Hi, I’m Gloria Apara and I’m the one behind de www.nomadicchica.com, I am the writer, the photographer, the designer and more!
I have all the editorial control on Nomadic Chica and social media accounts and only provide my 100% honest opinions to my readers.
Then, I only publish content about my experiences and only work in partnership with individuals and companies that are related to the travel industry that I believe will be beneficial to or directly help my readers.
If your target is passionate and independent travelers we can work together!
Who is reading Nomadic Chica?
Nomadic Chica is a rapidly growing travel and lifestyle blog. Started in January 2014, the blog receives several thousand page views per month in both English and Spanish and reaches over 150,000 followers on social media platforms, with a very strong presence on Instagram and Twitter.
Nomadic Chica has followers from all over the world, mostly from the US, the UK, Chile, Argentina, and Spain, and it is seen in 128 countries in both English and Spanish. The audience of more than 40,000 visitors per month are mostly females between 24 and 35 years.
500,000 reach
8,150 engaged followers
- UK
24-45 y Women
Partnerships and Collaborations
There are different ways in which you can work with me.
I love to be involved and experiment with new adventures and to explore new destinations that I can share with my readers, whether on this blog or on my social media accounts.
I publish reviews on accommodations that host me, restaurants and all the amazing stories happening on the road, all combined with high-quality images that are all taken and edited by myself. I’m not a professional photographer nor do I have perfect English as it is my second language, but I do my best!
If you have something in mind that is not listed below, feel free to propose your idea – I’m always happy to take part in creative and fun projects!
Press trips
I’m available for FAM or press trips and tailored trips.
I can also act as a brand ambassador for tourism boards and adventure tourism companies, and promote the global positioning of a destination or a brand through a personal visit.
I have participated in several amazing trips like the following:
- Flying with LATAM Airlines for their first flight and another time to the first A350 of the American Continent, 2015

Public Speaking
I love sharing my experience and knowledge directly with different audiences.
I have given talks in both, English and Spanish for different size audiences and even organized my own events to share with my community.
2016 Soñar, Viajar, Cambiar.
Santiago, Chile
2016 Instagram Community Instameet
Rancagua, Chile
2019 Cross-Cultural Creation:
Expand your Global Reach with Multilingual Content.
WITS Europe. Riga, Latvia
All the opinions expressed here are fully honest and unbiased, and they give a personal and trustworthy opinion related to the services or products in order to increase brand awareness.
I am interested in working with the following types of company:
- Hotels, Resorts, Hostels, guesthouses, homestays or other unique accommodation options.
- Travel and adventure clothing, equipment, backpacks or gadgets.
- Airlines or any form of transport.
I can host competitions or giveaways and social media campaigns. Nomadic Chica has engaged followers and reaches multiple different target audiences.

ACBV Agrupación Chilena de Blogueros de Viajes
As a side project, I’m the founder and director of the biggest Travel Blogger Association in Chile ACBV.
We have organized partnerships with brands and our own Press Trips to collaborate with local brands as the Luxury Hotel Casa Molle Villa & Golf
If you need more information, you can download my Media Kit and if you have a great idea on how we can work together I will be happy to hear from you.
You can contact me at gloria@nomadicchica.com or use the contact form below