Chilean Marraqueta or French Bread
Marraqueta is most popular bread made in Chile, also called French Bread or Whisked Bread, it is probably one of the very few traditional and characteristic foods in Chile.
Marraquetas are a bread made only with four ingredients: water, white flour, salt and yeast and whose shape is characteristic, it is presented normally as a big piece divided into four small pieces joined by a thin layer of dough.
Whereas Chile is the world’s second largest consumer of bread, after Germany, with a per capita consumption of 90 kilo per year; Marraquetas production covers 70 % of the national production of bread!
It is commonly found in any breakfast or tea time in homes throughout the country. With minor variations in their preparation which result in different textures, some more crispy than others, almost all Chileans agree: nobody will resist to a just-made and warm Marraqueta with a little butter or off the perfect combination: Marraqueta Toasts with ground avocados with salt.
My favorites are those that are made in local and small bakeries, with its very crispy cover and empty inside, a bit similar to the French baguette.
The price per kilo is usually between 800 and 1200 Chilean pesos