Hi! If you are reading this it is probably your first time in the Blog and you want to know more about it. 

I’m Gloria, the mastermind behind the screen of this website. That’s meaning I’m also the writer, the editor, the traveler and the photographer at nomadicchica.com

I’m here to share with you the best travel information I can give you to show you traveling is easy and you can also do it.

I know it’s possible because I grew up in Chile where traveling used to be way more expensive than today and where a ticket to anywhere was more expensive than what you would spend on that destination. 

I can tell you thanks to my experience that it is possible to travel the world being a woman and you don’t need to be rich to do it, you just need to not be afraid of leaving your comfort zone and enjoy this wonderful life!

All that I share in this Blog and my Social Media is what I experience and my biggest goal is to keep it always 100% honest, what you see and read is what it is for me.

Perhaps the question I receive more often is,

                            >> How can you travel that much?


I wish I was but, I was not part of a rich family funding my trips. I’m just a normal and independent woman traveling and enjoying life to the fullest.

No, I didn’t quit my job to travel the world. 

I’m a Physiotherapist who tried to be part of normal life in Santiago de Chile, but who had to be honest with herself and stop working for someone else happiness instead of working for her own. 

Instead of quitting, something even better happened: I got fired exactly when I wanted (lucky!) so I could be free to do what I wanted and with money on my account!

When I was ready to quit that boring and unfulfilling 9 to 19 job in 2013, something better happened: I was fired! And the happiest woman ever!  (you should have seen the shocked face of my boss at that time)

That meant I had money to buy a new ticket and travel longer! I was already traveling a lot every time I could, here’s a longer story of my wanderlust addiction.


Welcome to my Life Adventure!

How did this blog start?


Nomadic Chica was born in India, during a two-year trip in 2014 when I was desperately searching for a re-connection with myself. After working and studying for so many years doing things I was not passionate about I was feeling unhappy and empty. I had lost my dreams.

I sold all my belongings and that plus the unemployed money and I bought a one-way ticket to Thailand.

During that trip, I tried it all to have my dreams and goals back. I was even locking myself on a silent 10-day retreat in India learning Vipassana Meditation with 50ºC day and night…it was crazy…but you know what? It worked!!!

After that, I was clear (or a bit only) and I knew what to do: I was not leaving India until I could figure what to do with my life the next years. Suddenly I was clear and I knew I wanted to share my story and with that brainwash others to follow their own dreams, I will start my Travel Blog and make it my job.

I can’t lie to you. That clarity was, even more, scarier than not knowing what to do. I was on about to start something I had no clue how to do and it was different from all that I’ve done before.

Nomadic Chica is the first thing I could do without even expecting to get paid, I’m doing it because it is my passion and I hope this passion can motivate you to also make your own dreams true.

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How can we collaborate?


If you have any ideas you want to share with me or you want to work with me on an interesting project, you can read more details about it in the link below.

You can also see here other publications and projects I have participated in.

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