15 Most Popular Articles of 2016

15 Most Popular Articles of 2016

  In case you missed some of these articles, here I bring you a compilation of the 15 favorite and most read and popular articles of 2016. You can click on each of the titles or the images to access the full texts. Have you read them yet?   You can travel...
Instagram Best 2016 Moments and Photography

Instagram Best 2016 Moments and Photography

Every year since I started this blog I’ve been also sharing my adventures and experiences through Instagram, as one of my goals at Nomadic Chica is to give good quality images about the places I go. Photography is one of my favorite ways to show my feelings and...
Visiting WTM Latin America as a Travel Blogger

Visiting WTM Latin America as a Travel Blogger

If you already have some time as a travel blogger or just started, you’ve probably heard about the many Tourism Fairs taking place worldwide. If you thought seriously about blogging or are just passionate about meeting other engaged professionals in the...

Best of Instagram 2015

Best of Instagram and your favorites of 2015 Something I really liked this year was being part of Instagram. Many shared images especially for those who follow me on this network where I’ve had the pleasure to look some others high-quality work. I have also met...
InstaMeet in Santiago Chile

InstaMeet in Santiago Chile

A meeting with the Instagrammer community in Santiago When I started the project of this blog, it also began my participation in Social Media. Previously I’ve only used to be on Facebook to share my photos with family and friends and I was a total voyeur on...