Madhya Pradesh Travel Mart’18

Madhya Pradesh Travel Mart’18

  I am more than happy to share the news with you. I’m going for the third time this year to one of my favorite countries: INDIA. Yes! The third time in a year, the first was for covering the Best Luxury train in Asia, the Deccan Odyssey in Maharashtra, and...
Twitter Chat for Travelers and Tourism

Twitter Chat for Travelers and Tourism

Twitter is probably one of the fastest growing social networks and the favorite of many travelers to connect with others and find information about new trends, destinations, and tips for other travelers. From almost hating it and not understanding how it worked or how...
My Best Travel and Blogging experiences of 2016

My Best Travel and Blogging experiences of 2016

I love doing this summary of what was the year that ends. I do it for my birthday when I raise my desires for the next cycle; and I also do it by the end of the year, to remember everything that has happened in recent months and review that I could modify to make it...