25 Hours Hotel Review in Hafencity, Hamburg

25 Hours Hotel Review in Hafencity, Hamburg

  One of the most promising and new areas of Hamburg is the Uberseequartier, designed in the district of Hafencity is an area that will surely be the most visited and cool of the city in a little more time. This area formerly belonged to the port and that today...
Best things to do on a trip to Paris

Best things to do on a trip to Paris

    Paris is one of those cities that I consider you should visit at least once in your life. There is so much that is told and talked about it that having your own opinion will always be much more interesting than repeating the opinions of others. I’m...
The price of a travel life

The price of a travel life

    Traveling was always in the center of my life and part of the essential plan. Traveling is one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever given to myself. Working from a young age to be able to save to pay my winter vacations and any escape I could. When...